Member of
BKF (Chairman of BFK-middle 2012-16),
ProKK, female artists´ Society (Coordinator of KKS MiddelNorth 2012- ), (Board member of KKS since 2016), Sculpture Network, Wildlife one exhibition group and the graphic workshop Kirsten Kjaer Museum.
2009-2011 Master in leader Arts and cultural
2007 Aluminum in open moulds, Bronze Foundry Leif Jensen ApS
2006 Cire-Perdue with materials other than wax and wax, Bronze Foundry Leif Jensen ApS
2003 Glass course 2, Else Willumsen
2002 Bronze Course, Aarhus Art Academy
2001 Glass course 1, Else Willumsen
2000 1-year-old adult educator.
1999 Basic course in sign language Level. 1 and 2, Hearing Institute
1996 Adult educationalist education (VPG), 1. share
1996 Glasgow School of Art, a semester
1993-1997 Aarhus Academy of fine arts, sculptor
Prices competitions
2016 Shakespeare in Art
2016 Canaletto Prize Artistic Career Award
2016 1 ° International Prize Leonardo da Vinci - Universal Artist
2011 Winner of "the utrationelle crib" best new interpretation of the Christmas story - Holstebro church
2015 BKFO`s appreciation scholarship.
2014 Anne Marie Telmanyi born Carl-Nielsen Foundation for Support Female artists over 40 years.
2014 Eva Andersen's grant.
2013 Grants to update the www. From the state arts councils.
2005 Ministry of Education, the ed. of Sculpture in teaching. (2007)
2004 merchant Ludvig Berlin and Miss. Marie Poulsen's Fund.
2001 Aarhus Art Scholarship.
1997 Karl Thyrresens Scholarship.
1997 Marie Langhoff's Scholarship.
1993 Director K. Stienemann's Foundation.
1993 Anonymous offers.
Living scholarships
2019 Stay at the BFK house on Fanø
2018 Stay at Sletten - Hjørring Kommune
2018 stay at Otto Krags Whit 16 kks. workshop
2017 stay at Jeckels Gl. Skagen
2015 stay at Jeckels Gl. Skagen
2013 Stay in BKF- house associated with Easter exhibition at Fano Art Museum
2010 Resident Research Fellow at Loegumkloster retreat
2009 Resident Research Fellow at Loegumkloster retreat